Tabletop Gaming subscriptions
Shop, Build, Paint & Play table top games at Bristol Independent Gaming today.
Our monthly subscription at just £20 gives you even better value for your money than simply paying to play!
What do you get?
Once you have subscribed you will be issued with a unique code for that calendar month
This will cost you £20 per calendar month
You will get unlimited* gaming - when you book to play a game at BIG enter your unique discount **code.
You will also get 15% off purchases that month***
Subscribers can also get 10% off of Games Workshop and Games Workshop Web Direct items purchased through Bristol Independent Gaming****
Unlimited use of our compressors+ for airbrushing
25% off individual pre-ordered items of £120 or more++
Exclusive events
Board gaming, and RPG Meeups every other Sunday are included in your subscription, as are the Blood Bowl, 30K, Marvel Crisis Protocol, and Bristol Vanguard meetups
*Free game is per person and can only be used by the person named on the subscription
**Code may take up to 48hours to be issued
++applies to one item only
***Exclusions apply, does not Include GW
****Instore only and subject to availability
+Subject to fair use policy