Explore the world of Altered, collect rare and unique cards and be the first to discover what the universe of Altered has in store for you!
Bristol Independent Gaming is excited to announce our now weekly Altered Expeditions! Come join us every Monday from 7pm to meet like-minded players, earn rewards and race your way across the Tumult. We are open to new players and Kickstarter veterans alike so don't miss out!
This will be a casual, constructed deck event meaning players will be expected to bring their own decks though we hope to introduce more formats over time. We do have a limited number of borrowable supplies so if you’re wanting to give the game a go but don’t have anything yet you’re still welcome, just let us know via email.
Unfortunately, we cannot currently offer OP reward packs due to a lack of stock, but we will be ordering them in as soon as they are available.
Please book your tickets by 2pm on the day of the event so we can ensure everybody gets to play. If you are unable to make the start time of 7pm let us know via email or messenger. We will be checking all decks are legal but will not be checking digital ownership at this time.