Autumn Tides 2024- Warhammer 40K tournament

17th November 2024

Facebook link HERE

Entry fee for this event is £15 per player, payable via Paypal to please add reference: 'Autumn tides' and who state you are paying for in the notes

Best Coast Pairings

The event will use Best coast pairings to help organise the matches on the day and track your scores for the ITC submission.

The app is free to download and to register for. Please make sure that you’ve done this prior to the event and that the email you provide at registration matches the one on your Best Coast Pairings account. Failure to do so may result in your ITC rankings being incorrect as the scores will belong to a different account.

Your army list must cost no more than 1750 points and use the most up to date points costs for every unit in your army. As of writing this document the maximum number of detachments that can be used at this points level is 3.

Your army list must also list your faction and sub faction, your warlord and his warlord trait. As per the current tournament rules all pre game stratagems must also be listed on your army list with the full details of what you’ve taken. This means that any relics bought before the battle must be listed and will be in play for the entirety of the event.

Please see the Legends rules, any model on these lists will not be allowed at the event as they are no longer balanced for competitive play!

Beta rules are not in use at this event unless otherwise specified.

We are not asking you to submit your lists in advance but please bring 3 copy's of your list one to hand to the TO one for yourself and one so your opponent can view your list.

9.30- 9.45 Registration
9.45-10.00 Briefing
10.00-12.30 Game 1
12.30- 13.30 Lunch
13.30-16.00 Game 2
16.15- 18.45 Game 3
19.00 Prizes

Players are expected to be at their table on time for the round to begin, if a player is more than 15 mins late they’ll suffer a loss for that game and their opponent will get a 100-0 win.

To keep things moving to a schedule no battle round will be started unless both players feel that it can be finished. At this point to enable the game to get to 5 turns played then the players should talk through the turns to see how the game would have reached its natural conclusion. At this point please call a judge over to oversee this to ensure that fair play is being upheld. As this can cause issues it’s up to both players to ensure that they are doing their best to keep the tempo of the game up so that this step isn’t necessary.

If players would like to, chess clocks can be used - please bring your own or download an app to carry out this function. If you’re using a clock then prior to deployment decide who of the 2 players will be the clock master. That person should be the only person that touches the clock to ensure that there is no possible risk of contamination. Please use your heads here and make sure that fair play is carried out.

There are 2 hours and 30 mins allocated for each game, this should be sufficient.

After the game has finished players should submit their scores via the BCP app, if anyone has an issue when submitting their scores please speak to a judge for assistance. Once submitted scores are final and so please ensure that you’ve counted all of the points correctly. In the event of any disparity in the scores please contact a judge at the earliest opportunity.

The rounds will need to end promptly, any games going over the time limit will be visited by a judge to ensure that things come to a close in a timely fashion.

The Tables

All games will be played on 60''x44'' tables with pre set terrain.

All of the terrain rules from the main Warhammer 40’000 rulebook will be in effect with the following modifications:
All Ruins will have the obscuring rule regardless of height.
Hills like wise will gain the obscuring rule regardless of height.

Players should discuss the board and the terrain that makes it up prior to deployment as described in the pre-game sequencing later in this pack. If there’s any confusion or disagreement between the players then please seek help from a judge.

Painting requirements

To qualify for the 10 points per game for painting, ALL models should be painted to a reasonable tabletop standard. Ability isn’t being assessed here - only effort. You don’t need to be the best painter in the world but you do need to have tried. This means that models should have a “Three colour minimum” and a finished base, applied in a cohesive format across the entire army.


Best Army
Wooden Spoon